Thursday, October 18, 2012

3 Positions for Postdoctoral Researchers in wireless networks at FORTH-ICS

The Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and  Technology-Hellas (FORTH) announces 3 Positions for Postdoctoral  
Researchers with competitive salary in the area of wireless networks.  Research topics include spectrum and wireless access markets, 
software-defined radios, spectrum geo-databases, QoE in wireless  networks, and network economics.

We would like to invite talented and motivated candidates to apply for these post-doctoral positions, which are fully funded by the CoRLAB 
project, a GSRT research excellence, investigator-driven grant.
Required Qualifications:
The positions require an in-depth understanding of wireless networks and communications. In addition, the candidates should have a strong 
background in at least one of the following areas:
   * systems development
   * network economics
   * mathematical modeling and performance analysis (e.g., game-theory, queuing theory, stochastic networks)
Candidates should have a PhD (or be near completion) in a relevant field.

The successful postdoctoral candidates will be offered a contract for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year. The first 
two positions will start within 2012/2013. The third will start within 2013/2014. Competitive salary.

Interested candidates should submit by email a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of three references, and their two most 
significant scientific publications to Prof. Maria Papadopouli (
The consideration of the applications will start immediately.

The FORTH is the premier research center in Greece. The Institute of 
Computer Science (FORTH-ICS), an institute of FORTH, was  ranked first 
among all Greek institutes of its field in the 2005 national-level 
evaluation. Since its establishment in 1983, FORTH-ICS has had a 
recognized tradition in conducting basic and applied research in the 
field of Information and Communication Technologies. One of the 
widely-acknowledged successes is the creation of FORTHnetS.A., a 
spin-off company founded in 1995, a pioneer in the Internet and 
Telecommunications sectors in Greece. The current R&D activities in the 
area of telecommunications and networks involve software-defined radios, 
MAC protocol design, performance evaluation of networks and services, 
mobile computing, network monitoring, measurements, statistical 
analysis, and modeling, security, and signal processing. 
State-of-the-art infrastructures and equipments for experimenting with 
new technologies are also available.

Additional information about the positions:
Email to Prof. Maria Papadopouli (

Maria Papadopouli
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete
Visiting Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Research Associate, Institute of Computer Science, FORTH

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