Tuesday, October 23, 2012

PhD position in wirleess networks at Bedfordshire University, UK

Institute for Research in Applicable Computing

University of Bedfordshire -Department of Computer Science and Technology

University of Bedfordshire, Research Directorate
Salary: Graduate bursary £13,590 per annum
Fixed term: 3 years. Initially for 2 years for MPhil with a further year for completion of PhD
Start date: 11th February 2013
The University of Bedfordshire is pleased to be able to offer a full-time PhD scholarship in the subject area outlined below. This exciting new scholarship has been made available through the continued successes of the Centre for Wireless Research at the Institute for Research in Applicable Computing (IRAC).
The scholarship is offered in the Institute for Research in Applicable Computing and will cover tuition fees, bursary per annum plus research and conference attendance expenses. Preference will be given to applicants with a proven academic track record and who can undertake research in any of the following areas.

Area of Research
Wireless Communications: energy harvesting and energy efficient wireless communications; spectrally efficient and secure communications; antennas and radio channel modelling; emerging communications technologies with applications to smart cities. Necessary skills in wireless communication would include antenna design and prototyping, radio wave propagation, low power electronics.  
A solid background in mathematics and/or physics and/or electronics is required. Matlab programming is essential.  (reference RAC-CWR)
In consultation with the Director of the Institute for Research in Applicable Computing, the successful candidate and the experienced supervisory team will be responsible for developing the final project outline to ensure that it draws on the student's interests, background and research expertise.
Bursary will commence on the 11th February 2013, initially for two years for the MPhil stage with a further year for PhD completion, subject to satisfactory progress.  The studentship is for three years and is available for UK and EU candidates meeting the Research Council criterion of having been resident in the UK for the previous three years.
Entry criteria:
  • A good first honours degree (2:1 or above) or Masters degree in a related discipline.
  • Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their ability in English, typically B2 level English qualification such as IELTS 6.0.
  • Applicants need to submit a proposal of up to 1000 words setting out how they would approach the proposed subject area as a PhD study.
Closing date: 5pm on 30th November 2012 for 11th February 2013 start date.
For an application pack or any application queries please email rgsoffice@beds.ac.uk quoting the appropriate reference number.
For any non application related queries please contact Professor Edmond Prakash, Director Institute for Research in Applicable Computing by email at Edmond.Prakash@beds.ac.uk  or call 01582 743935

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