Tuesday, October 23, 2012

PhD position in wirleess networks at Bedfordshire University, UK

Institute for Research in Applicable Computing

University of Bedfordshire -Department of Computer Science and Technology

University of Bedfordshire, Research Directorate
Salary: Graduate bursary £13,590 per annum
Fixed term: 3 years. Initially for 2 years for MPhil with a further year for completion of PhD
Start date: 11th February 2013
The University of Bedfordshire is pleased to be able to offer a full-time PhD scholarship in the subject area outlined below. This exciting new scholarship has been made available through the continued successes of the Centre for Wireless Research at the Institute for Research in Applicable Computing (IRAC).
The scholarship is offered in the Institute for Research in Applicable Computing and will cover tuition fees, bursary per annum plus research and conference attendance expenses. Preference will be given to applicants with a proven academic track record and who can undertake research in any of the following areas.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

PostDoc in Mobile and Wireless Networks at NEC Laboratories America

The Mobile Communications and Networking research department at NEC Laboratories America in Princeton, NJ, has Research Staff Member positions 
available. The department's research projects can be broadly classified under  the following domains: Domain 1 - Radio Access Network (RAN) technologies 
(PHY/MAC); Domain 2 - Novel Radio Access Network (RAN) Architectural  Deployments; and Domain 3 - Mobile Core Network Optimization, Applications and 
Services. Details about projects within these domains can be found at  

We are seeking candidates for all three domains. All candidates must have or  soon expect to receive a PhD degree in EE or CS as appropriate and have strong 
research experience and publication records. Candidates must be able to carry out original research, develop innovative technologies, work towards technology 
transfer to relevant business units within the company and also maintain a  track record of high-quality peer-reviewed publications.

Postdoc in Networing and Carnegie Mellon University

The eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA) project is developing a new  network architecture that radically improves the trustworthiness and evolvability of the 
Internet. The project is looking for a postdoctoral fellow with a strong research track record in  one or more of the following areas ‐ network architecture, network protocols, security and 
privacy, network management, distributed systems, and mobile/pervasive networks. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with the students and faculty 
on different aspect of the broad XIA research agenda in network protocols, security, network  diagnostics, and network

3 Positions for Postdoctoral Researchers in wireless networks at FORTH-ICS

The Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and  Technology-Hellas (FORTH) announces 3 Positions for Postdoctoral  
Researchers with competitive salary in the area of wireless networks.  Research topics include spectrum and wireless access markets, 
software-defined radios, spectrum geo-databases, QoE in wireless  networks, and network economics.

We would like to invite talented and motivated candidates to apply for these post-doctoral positions, which are fully funded by the CoRLAB 
project, a GSRT research excellence, investigator-driven grant.

Research Engineer in Wireless Communications and Networking Research at Elche, Spain

Positions Available - Wireless Communications and Networking Research
The Ubiquitous Wireless Communications Research (UWICORE,
www.uwicore.umh.es) laboratory is part of the Communications Engineering
Department of the Miguel Hernandez University of Elche in Spain. UWICORE
is an active Spanish research laboratory with close links with national
and international industry. Its research activities are focused in:
multi-hop cellular networks, vehicular communications and networks,
heterogeneous wireless systems, and wireless system design and
optimization. The laboratory has also strong expertise in the
implementation of research hardware and software testbeds.